Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
What an awesome privilege to teach our young ones the word of God. We provide age appropriate
teaching on Sunday morning from ages infant to 12 years old. We have a nursery for ages birth to 2
years old and a pre-school class for ages 3-4. Ages 5-12 have a Bible class as well.
On Wednesday service we have childcare ages birth - 10 years.
teaching on Sunday morning from ages infant to 12 years old. We have a nursery for ages birth to 2
years old and a pre-school class for ages 3-4. Ages 5-12 have a Bible class as well.
On Wednesday service we have childcare ages birth - 10 years.

Sunday Mornings
wednesday evenings
10:20 am after worship
7 pm
Nursery | Infant -12 years
Pre-School | 3 - 4 years
5 & Up | 5 - 12 years
Pre-School | 3 - 4 years
5 & Up | 5 - 12 years
Infant - 10 years