Upward and outward

Upward and Outward

Our Mission at Calvary Chapel of Columbia is to guide people to a life of faith in Jesus Christ then on to lives that are fully devoted to Him. We accomplish this in two ways:

Upward...Getting people connected to the Father.
The most important decision that any person can make is the issue of their salvation. Here at Calvary Chapel, we seek to get people connected to God. It is only in a personal relationship with the Creator, through His Son, Jesus Christ, that brings joy, fulfillment, and contentment.

Outward...Getting people connected to people.
The real result of being connected with the Father is that we seek to be rightly connected with people. We desire to see people "plugged in" to the local fellowship in an atmosphere of love and service.

From there, it is our desire to take our faith outside the walls of the church and impact our community for Christ.

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